Theatre In Education Shows
Valkyrie Theatre Company are proud to bring high quality shows into schools to educate and inspire students. We use theatre and drama to share stories and help young people to make meaning of their lives and the world around them
Safe At Home,
The Jackie Robinson Story
Suitable for 3rd grade to 8th Grade
Safe at Home is a lively play with jazzy music by Noah Agruss making it perfect for a school setting. D'Juan's (THE ROYALE, Capital Stage, THE SCOTTSBORO BOYS Celebration Arts Theater, 3: BLACK GIRL BLUES , B Street Theater) play covers the life story of Jackie Robinson. The play depicts the challenges faced by Robinson, notably the racism he confronted while pursuing his professional baseball career. These struggles are portrayed within the historical context of the era he lived in, spanning from 1919 to 1945, during which he profoundly altered the landscape of baseball. We see his history-making signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers with a fast pace, entertaining script celebrating inclusion, strength, life and a man who changed the world of baseball.

"We thoroughly enjoyed the performances and our staff were complimentary of the play, the acting, and the engagement with the audience. It was perfect for a middle school setting."
Gina Berry, Grade 7 ELA Teacher at Andrew Carnegie Middle School
By Anthony D'Juan, Music by Noah Argruss

You've Got The Power!
by Jenny Connors,
music by Kale and Cory Coppin

You've Got The Power! is an original show written by local playwright Jenny Connors with music by local composers Kale and Cory Coppin. The show, which is appropriate for 1st to 6th-graders, is about identifying and taking power over our emotions. Designed to encourage fun and excitement, You've Got the Power! features tips on how to cope with difficult emotions like anger, envy, self-esteem, and fear.
While being entertained by catchy tunes and a humorous script, children will be empowered to explore heartfelt themes and see that they are not alone. The show is designed to be performed in any school setting and to audiences of any size.
Valkyrie Theatre Company collaborated with licensed Social Workers with the development of the show and created a resource packet to aid the post show discussions in the classroom. The packet also includes a take home flyer with helpful information for families.
Suitable for 1st to 6th Grade
School Partnerships
Valkyrie offers several programs bringing theatre into schools, from small few week workshops to big productions. After school clubs and part of the curriculum.